Hassle free for all schools
Our lessons are paid for by the students, and all administration is dealt with by our team, so our schools only need to provide a space for us to teach in and we will organise everything else.
Why do we need Your Music Department?
With funding cuts across the UK, we have seen too many Music Departments fold in our local schools to the social, educational and inspirational detriment of our students.
It is our mission to ensure every child across the UK has access to exceptional music education, by providing music staff and teachers the support, training and growth to aid the development of our students.
It is our vision to help place music departments in every school in the UK, ensuring there is no burden to the financial or administrative faculty of your hard working teachers and leadership staff.
So no child misses out on music education.
Who do we work with?
We work with schools across the UK, providing one to one music tuition and access to playing in small ensembles & orchestras. Here is a selection of the schools that we work with. Do we work with your school already? Please get in touch.
Ark Putney

Ark Bollingbroke

Ark Putney


Chestnut Grove Academy

The National Opera Studio

St. Cecilia's


Wandsworth Music
Benefits to learning music
There have been many studies published on the benefits of learning music from a young age including but not limited to:
Brain Development: releases dopamine and oxytocin encouraging sharing, empathy and trust.
Emotional Development: improves mood and regulates emotions.
Language Development: can help to develop early language skills.
Motor Skills: help to develop fine and gross motor skills through rhythm and dancing.
Cognitive Development: improves concentration, memory and spatial awareness.
Social Development: improves cooperation and cross-cultural awareness.
Self-esteem: can help children build confidence and self-esteem.
Creativity: can help children express themselves creatively.
Music Outside Schools
Working in partnership with our schools, our exceptional teachers offer peripatetic music tuition and a range of musical programs, including: vocal and instrument one to one training, ensembles and choirs, orchestra, and music curriculum support.
With our partners Workbox Music, we offer 1 to 1 music tuition at our teachers’ home studios or in the comfort of your own home.